
Since It's Sunday...

Caution: This post is a cheesy. But hey, it's Sunday.

Recently, I have been thinking, reading, feeling, studying the basics and perceptions of Life

Whether it has been apart of my science classes, my personal scripture study or daily, life encounters, the study of Life and it's complexity has circled the wavelengths of my brain on this ongoing but yet exciting roller-coaster (probably the giant one at Disneyland that is shaped out of Mickey's head) because quite frankly, no one (assuming everyone is like me) wants to get off.

The conclusion I have made is, any way you look at life, you see love

Naomi Rees Christensen 

Yes: That is the cutest baby in the world
Yes: We are related. 
No: She's not for sale. 

On February 17th at 4:20am I officially became an Auntie
My oldest brother Ryan and his beautiful wife Makayla became the lucky parents of this beautiful, precious, fragile, absolutely perfect little spirit.
I got on a flight and flew home the day she was born. 
I can't even explain the amount of love that empowered over me the moment the 9 months of anticipation and excitement met the reality of the much waited event, when she was placed into my arms for the first time. She opened her perfected, round brown eyes and just stared at me straight in the face, kinda sayin "Hey! I know who you are! We are going to be best friends!".

This is where I learned that sometimes the most powerful feeling of love can come without saying any words.  It was the moment I decided I believed in love at first sight. 

(I know you're ready to pull out your spoon and gag yourself, but first why don't you take a gander at some of these pictures... then I think you'll change your mind). 


(I promise this corn-fest is almost over) 

When I very first held Naomi in my arms, I couldn't help thinking of the love she was about to encounter for the rest of her life. I had never seen such a real-life witness of the miracle of God's creations and the power that they can have over me. It has made me challenge myself to look at the world with a better pair of glasses... glasses that see things in the perfect state that God made them. 

Life and Love are two powerful things. But are only possible together. No matter who you are, where you come from or who you have in your life, you are loved! If it's not by direct family members, it's by your creator. The one who knows you best. The one that no matter what you do, or how many times you give up, one thing stays the same. 1. He'll never stop loving. 2. he'll never, e v e r, give up on you. 

Only with Life and Love can come perfection. Similarly, because of the life Christ led on earth can we become perfect thru this {infinite atonement}. The same atonement that was only made possible due to the absolute, undying, love He has for each one of us. {in life, everything is connected! amazing!}

Ryan and Makayla are going to be amazing parents. I could see it from the moment I first walked into the hospital room. Yes, it's a huge responsibility. They are new parents so they are going to have to figure out a bunch of scary things on their own, but I know that their {love} for her will conquer any {fear} that they might have and that, ladies and gents, (from the perspective of a single, inexperienced, college student) is the recipe for {perfect parenting}. 

Where there is life there is love.
Life > Fear.

And because it's Sunday.... 

But now, I must hit the hay and get my beauty sleep....because I don't know about you, but this week for me is gonna be full of a lot of livin' and a lot of lovin'!
(take that how you want it).... Goodnight!


Love and Stalking. The Dynamic Duo.

So here I am.
Stuck in the Salt Lake Airport.
I was suppose to be on a plane two hours ago.
And here I sit.
Staring down all the friendly people getting on their 'on time' flights with complete jealousy. 

Of course I have camped out {literally} a spot that includes plenty of water, my favorite travel blanket and plenty of Hulu. I can't complain... especially because I might or might not have treated myself to a Cinnabon and splurged on a People magazine. Plus, I have the best seat in the house to my favorite show of all time... People Stalking Watching. {It's the simple things in life...} 

I am going to home to meet my BRAND NEW {sounds like a car}, VERY FIRST NEICE! I can't wait to hold her tight, give little aunty kisses and convince her that she will quickly realize that I'm her favorite! She's adorable and my family has been sending me pictures and videos all day. I'm not allowed to post pictures yet... but when I am able to, Baby Girl will be ALL over this joint. T-minus two hours and 30 minutes till I'm home :)

My valentines day was filled with lots of interesting and hilarious events.
 I wouldn't have it any other way.
I do have to say... my most favorite valentine I received would be this one that was posted on my Facebook.
{Tiff} knows me too well.
If you don't know who this is...Meet Leland. I recommend dedicating a whole week to watching Dog the Bounty Hunter. Because once you start, you won't be able to stop.

Leland Honey, You're the most ghetto-sexy man i know. 
(yes, I know you. I'm the one that got your autograph when I stalked you in the airport this summer in Hawaii. True story).

Thats right. On the back of my boarding pass. I guess you could say I got my valentine a little early.
Stalking in Airports sometimes has it's quirks. I recommend it. You never know who you'll run into. ;)


My Life As of Late

Semester Moto: B.T.T.W. and N.T.L. (dare you to crack those). 

With this motto in mind.... this semester has been carefree, spontaneous and legendary. Here are some reasons why.  

Multiple trips bowling. Just to see how far I can Shot-Put the bowling ball. 

Pictures that capture faces like Madi's. 

My Dads random text messages. Telling me "Im Da Magic"

Late Saturday Nights. In the back of a car. 

Bowling a ball down my body. STRIKE.

Awkward Family Picture. Minus the awkwardness

Making people feel uncomfortable. 

Trenchcoats and Swimsuits. 

These pictures pretty much sum up the semester so far. Along with countless hours of Physics homework

I love my life. More Blogging to Come. It's on the To-Do list. 

P.s. although completely out of my comfort zone, I uploaded some covers I recorded in December on Facebook. Check it. 

If You're Wondering..

Inspired by: http://madicakesstreeter.blogspot.com/2012/01/this-looks-like-fun.html
Thanks Mads. 

current thank you: Crystal Light Energy.... 5 cals and I feel like I could run a marathon! 
current color: A dabble of purple. 
current playlist: Gavin Degraw Station on Pandora
current read: Collapse for Enviornmental Stewardship
current drink: Water with grape crystal light 
current food: frozen grapes and brown maple oatmeal.  
current favorite show: Revenge. Or Dance Moms. 
current wishlist: a new pair of steve madden boots (obsession), a unicorn pillow pet and someone to make me muddy buddies. 
current needs: Healthy Tonsils, my hur did, and more hours in the day. 
current triumphs: Physics, not judging people who eat lunch meat (especially Ham) and figuring out how a full grown goose ended up in my parking lot, walking around. alone. in the snow. at night. 
current bane of my existence: Chocking on my tonsils in the middle of the night. 
current celebrity crush: Andersen Cooper. total FOX. and Ryan Gossling (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oiY7W7nDeE) WATCH THAT. Whooooa buddy.  

current indulgence: Jolly Rancher Chews 
current blessing: My roommate. Madelynn Streeter. 
current outfit: Knee high boots. Leggings. Lace shirt. Turquoise Cardigan. Top Knot Bun. Earrings. 
current excitement: Next weekend!! I'm going home hopefully to a new niece!! 
current link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqEeP1acj4Y
current mood: Feelin Fresh with the Bolivian in the Libraryyyyyyy.