Since I can remember, I've never once used any of these words to describe my life or the events that happen in it.
Falling in love was one of those events.
And this is why it was the Opposite of Ordinary.
It was the first weekend of fall semester.
I was situated into my apartment and reunited with my soulmate; Madi Streeter.
That night we decided that since we were the only one's home, we were going to have a 90's dance party. By ourselves.
As the 90's tunes of Destiny's Child, Will Smith and Shaggy blared over our incredibly pathetic sound system, we became more and more out of control. Naturally.
Then without notice there stood 6 handsome boys standing inside of my family room, which I, in that exact moment, just so happened to be using as a dance floor to execute some dance moves that were not designed for the public eye.
However, because I decided that night to not have any fear, I did not execute the normal thing to do... but I instead kept going.
The dance moves I pulled out that night may never be reincarnated again.
Exhibit A: The butterfly, chicken thrust. Feel free to use your i m a g i n a t i o n on what that actually looks like.
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Exhibit A |
Anyways, in the midst of these impeccably brilliant moves, my eyes shot up and locked themselves to another pair of hopelessly cute; glossed over eyeballs; that actually made me stop and think for one second "He must be so impressed right now". (later I came to realize how bad of a judgement call that was).
I instinctively walked over to this mysterious quiet creature that was somewhat hiding in the corner, and stuck out my hand and said:
He said:
(yes, so profound, I know.. Can't you just see the fireworks?!)
We both stood there a little a LOT awkwardly and then I did the only thing that felt natural at the time... I went back to dancing.
Within 20 seconds I looked back up to find that this "Tanner" boy I had just met, was gone.
Side note: come to find out later, he was literally scared of me and that is why he left my apartment. Apparently being 'fresh off the mish' will do that to ya.
There are 2 things we can inference from this occasion:
1. I've never been good at first impressions (even when they involve my dancing.. crazy I know.)
2. It was not love at first sight. (for him anyways!)
However, since that moment I was determined to find out who that boy was.
Because knowing how my life works...
it's the things that are the Opposite of Ordinary, that are worth keepin around.
And I was set on keeping it that way.