
Obsessions and Confessions!


-Adele's New Album {21}... I can't stop listening! Dramatic but absolute perfection.  
(My favorites... One and Only && Someone Like You.. can you say, REPLAY?). 

Hi, I'm Adele. And I'm Beautiful. 

-Frozen Grapes: Sounds crazy, i know. But go to the store, buy yourself a rip-snippin beautiful bag of grapes, come home and put them in the freezer. Once they're frozen... eat. {MMMMMMbbbaaby!}

-Dog: The Bounty Hunter: As classy as it isn't, this show is captivating. From Dwayne "Dog" Chapman's cowboy boots and sleeveless shirts to his large.... {topped?}, handcuffs with matching high heels wearin wife "Beth", I just can't stop watchin these Bad A's take down some criminals in their homeland {hawaii}. The season stopped, but I didn't. I've pretty much already seen every episode.... but im starting back at Season 1: Needless to say, Netflix is my hero.
Cutest Couple of the Year Award Goes to...

-Today I went to play with baby bears and get my picture taken!! They charged $15 to hold the cub for a couple seconds and they take your picture. After you're done, they print out your picture and ask if it looks okay. I had them retake my picture because of 'poor lighting' four times.......truth is, the lighting was fine,  {I just wanted to hold the bear again.}

-When I take a shower, I make sure it is as hot as it can go... then right before I'm about to pass out because of heat exhaustion, I turn it to cold really fast and stand there while the cold water runs and I regain my consciousness. {Is that so weird?} 
THE BEST feeling. 

-This morning while getting ready for class, I was listening to {Rhythm of Love-Plain White Tee's} and I stopped, in my underwear only, and danced in front of the mirror. {it felt like a Lizzie McGuire moment}. After the song, I was tired so I laid down and smiled myself to sleep... No class for me today! ;) 

So in remembrance of this glorious Thursday Evening, think about some of your obsessions and confessions. Cheers to abnormality. Now, time to watch some Dog.  


Slip and Slide

It's about time I updated this.
And what better way than tell a little story that JUST happened to me.
So, it's been warmer here in R-Town and because of that there has been
{NO} snow, just {MORE} rain. [which reminds me of home.. perfect.]

Anyways, so I was minding my business {alone} and actin like a cool cat walkin to the library.
I was walking through the Taylor Quad... 
*Side note: Taylor Quad= Huge open area outside where everyone, who's anyone, walks through*
So i was walking through the Taylor Quad, It's sprinkling rain and i'm seein Californians runnin inside acting like they're gonna {Melt}... But no, not me. I'm takin my sweet time because I'm from {Washington}.

I get to the center of the quad when all of the sudden, my heel took the steering wheel to my entire foot and boom. There it happened. I was now doing the splits, in a puddle, in the middle of the Taylor Quad.
That's when i thought to myself.. "Is this real life?".

 I've never been able to do the splits before in my life... and now i was straight up doing the Spread Eagle for everyone to see.
I guess this is Karma for making fun of all the fools who did butt flops when we had ice.

So for the short amount of time that I was in the splits, in a puddle, i thought to myself 
"Wow. Here I am, Alone, I'm in the splits, and i'm now soaking wet in a puddle."

So now, if you're on campus, and you here about the girl who did gymnastics in a puddle, you know who it is.



I really did ALMOST look as awkward as this ^ lady, although i must say, her form is much better than mine. 

Now to ice my {hamstring}.....



Uhhm. so pretty much my FHE group this semester... is quite outstanding.

1st activity: Ice Skating.
 Outdoor {Ice Rink}
Me and Tayah were {pro's}


{Andrew and Mike}

1. About to {take} a group picture...

2. Smiling group {picture} 

3. {funny} group picture.
Notice Tayah... falling. 

4. She brought {EVERYONE} down with her. Thanks Tay!

Our mouths were so numb from the {cold} we couldn't even smile!

So we laughed instead:)

Me and {Nathan!}
He was the ice skating {king!}

{Silly} Mike.