

Yup. It's true. I'm an aunty x's 2!
(Okay, that was not suppose to rhyme..no but really.)

That's right! My brother Kyle and his wife Katie had their precious, new born son Max August Christensen on 4.3.2012 at 3:45am weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces! 
Yes. The hair is real. 
No. It is not a wig. 

I was able to go to Utah on my way home from school to be able to see the little bug a couple days after he was born. I have come to conclusion that I am officially obsessed with babies. There. I said it
It is a risky statement to make when you already have many stereotypes flyin at you for being Mormon, but I had to say it. I've got many years till I have my own, so until then, I'll just obsess over these bundles of joy's that others around me bring into this world :) 

What a stud muffin!

Max could not have 2 better parents to raise him in complete support and love
Plus I heard he has a really cool aunt ;) 

Maybe I obsess over the birth of a new baby because it brings families together, celebrating this perfect being that just entered earth. Maybe it's the way they snuggle to you, with no care in the world and a heart full of pure love. Although these things are true, I think the reason why I obsess is because when I hold that newborn for the first time, all I think about is their journey they just now started. What will he do for a career? What will he love to do? What is he going to bring to the world? Although these are deep questions to ask while holding a day old baby (I know. A little psycho), it helps me reflect on my own life. Where I am headed? What are my goals? What are my priorities

Max has already brought our family closer together and through a little medical emergency, he has already changed lives and has already left quite the footprint.

I like to think that while on this journey on earth, through choices we make, each of us leaves a footprint in the path that we are creating. Through mistakes, good times, and the bad, we are not only taking with us the lessons that have been learned and memories that have been created, but we are leaving behind our footprint for not only us to reflect on, but for others to see. 

I like to see this as not a negative thing, but as a positive way to remember that although you may not be a celebrity or a powerful politician, or the Dr. who finds the cure for cancer, but each of us, even sweet, innocent, new born babies, are all leaving footprints that one way or the other affects and changes lives around us without us even realizing it. I like to think that when my time on earth (hopefully a while from now!) is done and I'm up in Heaven (fingers crossed ;)) that I will be able to look down and see my footprints and where I placed them and where they might've helped someone. I want my footprints heading toward my goals and dreams and aspirations. Whether you fail or have to take many steps to get there, it's the direction you're heading that actually matters. 

 I think if we could realize that we are ALL on this earth, partaking in the SAME journey, just in a DIFFERENT route, then the world would be a little more calm and a lot more loving. 

Where are your footprints headed?