
Slip and Slide

It's about time I updated this.
And what better way than tell a little story that JUST happened to me.
So, it's been warmer here in R-Town and because of that there has been
{NO} snow, just {MORE} rain. [which reminds me of home.. perfect.]

Anyways, so I was minding my business {alone} and actin like a cool cat walkin to the library.
I was walking through the Taylor Quad... 
*Side note: Taylor Quad= Huge open area outside where everyone, who's anyone, walks through*
So i was walking through the Taylor Quad, It's sprinkling rain and i'm seein Californians runnin inside acting like they're gonna {Melt}... But no, not me. I'm takin my sweet time because I'm from {Washington}.

I get to the center of the quad when all of the sudden, my heel took the steering wheel to my entire foot and boom. There it happened. I was now doing the splits, in a puddle, in the middle of the Taylor Quad.
That's when i thought to myself.. "Is this real life?".

 I've never been able to do the splits before in my life... and now i was straight up doing the Spread Eagle for everyone to see.
I guess this is Karma for making fun of all the fools who did butt flops when we had ice.

So for the short amount of time that I was in the splits, in a puddle, i thought to myself 
"Wow. Here I am, Alone, I'm in the splits, and i'm now soaking wet in a puddle."

So now, if you're on campus, and you here about the girl who did gymnastics in a puddle, you know who it is.



I really did ALMOST look as awkward as this ^ lady, although i must say, her form is much better than mine. 

Now to ice my {hamstring}.....


  1. ummmmmm that old woman?!!!! i am LOVING HER!!!! and you. and this story. the best!!

  2. sheeesh! sounds like quite the experience!

    but worry not, it happens to the best of us :)

